weblogestan :: bloggen im iran

„Weblogestan“ is an Iranian online slang term for the realm of Persian-language blogs. (The time has definitely come for it to be adapted, and adopted, into Anglophone usage.) Over the last two years, Western journalists have looked at blogging as part of the political and cultural ferment in Iran — treating it, predictably enough, as a simple manifestation of the yearning for a more open society. Doostdar complicates this picture by looking at what we might call the borders of Veblogestan (to employ a closer transliteration of the term, as used specifically to name Iranian blogging).

travels in weblogestan – bloggen im iran (iside higher ed)

… the vulgar spirit of blogging: on language, culture and power in persian weblogestan – alireza doostar (pdf)
… debatte ueber diesen artikel: of blogs and dialogues (inside higher ed)
… debatte bei crooked timber: profanum vulgus

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