pirandello – shoot (1926)

I too am acquainted with the external, that is to say the mechanical framework of the life which keeps us clamorously and dizzily occupied and gives us no rest. To-day, such-and-such; this and that to be done hurrying to one place, watch in hand, so as to be in time at another. „No, my dear fellow, thank you: I can’t!“ „No, really? Lucky fellow! I must be off….“ At eleven, luncheon. The paper, the house, the
office, school. … „A fine day, worse luck! But business….“ „What’s this? Ah, a funeral.“ We lift our hats as we pass to the man who has made his escape. The shop, the works, the law courts….

Luigi Pirandello – Shoot! (Si Gira) (1926)

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