[> die bestaendige illuminierung von macht – in einem interessanten artikel der new york times „Keepers of Bush Image Lift Stagecraft to New Heights“ wird die inszenierungsmachine „george bush“ analysiert: „For the prime-time television address that Mr. Bush delivered to the nation on the anniversary of the Sept. 11 attacks, the White House rented three barges of giant Musco lights, the kind used to illuminate sports stadiums and rock concerts, sent them across New York Harbor, tethered them in the water around the base of the Statue of Liberty and then blasted them upward to illuminate all 305 feet of America’s symbol of freedom. It was the ultimate patriotic backdrop for Mr. Bush, who spoke from Ellis Island.“ (Keepers of Bush Image Lift Stagecraft to New Heights – ELISABETH BUMILLER via THE SHOW SO FAR)
[> wir lieben ja ungemein das plagiat (wollen Sie oder Sie da uns vielleicht plagiieren? wir legen auch was drauf!). die gegenbewegung ist naturgemaess stark vertreten – oder haben Sie in schulzeiten nie geschummelt oder den nachbarn einfach abgeschrieben?! turnitin sei das einzige system. um sich sicher gegenueber jedem plagiat zu fuehlen: „Because Turnitin.com has virtually eliminated plagiarism in my classroom, I now use it as a teaching tool. When I find a line or two in a research paper which comes back highlighted, I sit with the student and discuss how that portion of the paper could have been handled appropriately with quotation marks and documentation. Turnitin.com is not something I use now to police plagiarism. I use it to teach documentation.“ (eine lehrerin ueber turnitin via this is comfort)
[> journalisten haben ja auch ihre eigenen zaunelemente. die sich mit den jahren bestaendig um sie schliessen (auch: brettergemeinschaft). der economist macht’s oeffentlich – die offizielle stilfibel fuer den klammerjournalisten. (via this is comfort)
[> wieder ein wunderbares slang lexikon: edge-of-the-bed-virgin: adj. Teenage girls who regularly entice boys into sexual situations then back out at the last possible moment. Similar to prick tease, but used specifically for this sort of girl. (ed: in Wales a virgin is a girl who had it once and didn’t like it!) c.f. prickteaser circa. 1990’s UK (N) (playground slang“>: edge-of-the-bed-virgin: adj. Teenage girls who regularly entice boys into sexual situations then back out at the last possible moment. Similar to prick tease, but used specifically for this sort of girl. (ed: in Wales a virgin is a girl who had it once and didn’t like it!) c.f. prickteaser circa. 1990’s UK (N) (playground slang – via cup of china)