morgen !!! sammeln

… also wir finden weder das layout nett (wie der schockwellenreiter empfiehlt) noch koennen wir textansaetzen dieser aussage wirklich was abgewinnen: „Die Leute von Pontext machen Texte, die man gerne liest. Weil sie leicht verstaendlich sind.“ (gaehn, aehm naja – wer’s mag…

… andererseits machen sich experimentelle autoren offenbar staendig gedanken ueber ihre zukunft: i would like to be a future poet. would that mean that i would exist as a future poet or write poems of the future? (allegrezzy blog)

… foucault und sein kopzept des panoptischen neu diskutiert:

For Surveillance Studies, Foucault is a foundational thinker and his work on the development of the modern subject, in particular Surveillir et Punir (translated as Discipline and Punish), remains a touchstone for this nascent transdisciplinary field 2. This work gave us Foucault’s interpretation of Jeremy Bentham’s ‘Panopticon’, an Eighteenth Century design for an ideal reformatory, which will not be dwelt upon here as it has been considered many times before and is present to varying degrees in most of the pieces in this issue. For Foucault the Panopticon represented a key spatial figure in the modern project and also a key dispositif3 in the creation of modern subjectivity, in other words in the remaking of people (and society) in the image of modernity. Panopticism, the social trajectory represented by the figure of the Panopticon, the drive to selfmonitoring through the belief that one is under constant scrutiny, thus becomes both a driving force and a key symbol of the modernist project.

(Editorial. Foucault and Panopticism Revisited. – alle beitraege im pdf format via wood s lot)

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