in eigener sache :: interview ueber arbeit.freizeit.kunst

wir sind ja immer mal wieder weblogtechnisch absent. das sind meisthin starke zeichen. dass projekte anstehen.

vor kurzem haben wir ein „projekt“ abgeschlossen:

ein interview via email gefuehrt – ueber arbeit. freizeit und kunst im rahmen des kunstprojektes paid leave von johannes auer (paid leave or manifesto for the art of doing nothing – manifest zu dem projekt, deutsche version, dort sind auch weitere interviews in text und bild zu diesem thema zu finden.)

„It is doubtful whether there is a real difference today between prescribed and allowed idleness. One of the catchwords of postfordism is customizing which rolls up and realizes Adornos prediction that everything in the relation of work and spare time strikes itself with simularity and is therefore actually no more separable: Be a subject and have individual wishes as a permanent form of the customizing concept has grasped meanwhile the area of paid labor. To paraphrase couplands generation x (5): But a part of you is also in the shopping cart. The sweet idleness in times of the prescribed and allowed full employment – as for example in ray bradbury’s Fahrenheit 451 – shows exactly that small „divergence“ of the norm in which an involuntary bale of the fist is already enough signal for the mechanical dog (6). In other times one thought that the bending of the thumb was a possibility to carry the whole world on its hilltop. Prescribed as well as allowed idleness would be after Warhol a slip hole from the lifelong slavery in which the life with birth has sold us: always with a look at the melancholy pointer. Every form of idleness has a boredom effect on me. Both are more or less in the shopping cart. At the checkout I put back again one or other. ;-)“

… das interview in deutsch
… das interview in english

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