emily brontes moeglicher liebhaber ;-)

„who is the lover in your poems?!“ – diese frage spielt das bbc drama „cold in the earth and fifteen wild decembers“ (audio, 1:30 h) durch. ob emily bronte ihren roman „wuthering heights“ nicht doch mit autobiographischem material – etwa einer affaire mit dem sohn eines webers (forschungsergebnisse von sarah fermi) – ausgestattet hat. (via bronteblog):

Sarah’s research focused on the theory that Emily Brontë probably had a tragic romantic relationship with a young working-class lad, Robert Clayton, who died when they were both 18 years old. Questions were asked as to how Emily Brontë was able to write such a powerful love story which turned into the classic ‘Wuthering Heights’ novel without experiencing such strong emotions herself.

saturday play – bronteblog

dazu gibts mittlerweile eine diskussion in der forschung: emily brontes lovers (audio, ram 10 Min.)

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