demo or die :: was man alles so lesen muss

„At the MIT Media Laboratory,……the academic slogan „publish or perish“ has been recodified as „demo or die“… When we started the Media Lab, I kept telling people we must demo, demo, demo…. Forget the technical papers and to a lesser extent theories. Let’s prove by doing.“

nicholas negroponte

„The demo has become the defining moment of the artist’s practice at the turn of the millennium. For the artists and designers who work with technology, no amount of talent, no ground-breaking aesthetic, no astonishing insight makes up for the inability to demonstrate their work on a computer in real time in front of an audience.“

peter lunenfeld

(via Demo Design, nettime)

also: wir werfen gerade unsere bibliothek beim fenster raus (s. koelner.blogplan). das auffangen von gelesenen buechern koennte sich dabei mitunter durchaus lohnen. wir proben den auto-aesthetischen aufstand und repetieren fuer die naechsten jahre das bereits angelesene. demo ist was fuer die mittagspause! 😉

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