bohemian restpartie

… die rolle der frauen am formulieren einer aesthetik des netzes: Women and the Aesthetics of New Media – Carol Gigliotti (suess wie der artikel mit einem staubsaugenden aesthetikbuendel gekoppelt wurde). (via wood s lot)

… was heute noch an eine boheme erinnern koennte. hat sich laengst mit der massenkultur in eins gesetzt – eine massenkultur. die sich bohemistischer elemente bedient: „The Other Bohemia – alison pearlman (southwest review): „Like any subculture, the pop-culture bohemia exhibits tremendous variation. Individual members’ differences in character, patterns of success, family money, and moral support make for wildly divergent responses to occupational instabilities. Yet those conditions of instability define membership in this subculture nonetheless. In addition, „the other bohemians“ share a distinctive relationship to the pop-culture entertainment they help produce. Theirs is significantly demystified as well as proactive and formative—not just naïve, reactive, and receptive; this relationship separates them from most consumers of mass entertainment.“ (via wood s lot)

… aufnahmen des gedenkorts fuer walter benjamin im spanischen port bou. in der englischen uebersetzung macht sich benjamins passagenwerk noch um eine stufe besser – wir lieben es: „There was the pedestrian who wedged himself into the crowd, but there was also the flâneur who demanded elbow room and was unwilling to forego the life of the gentleman of leisure. His leisurely appearance as a personality is his protest against the division of labour which makes people into specialists. it was also his protest against their industriousness. Around 1840 it was briefly fashionable to take turtles for a walk in the arcades. the flâneurs liked to have the turtles set the pace for them.“ (auszug aus dem passagenwerk via wood s lot)

… auch die englische version vom „kunstwerk“-aufsatz hat einen eigenen drive: The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction – walter benjamin – und jetzt bleibt nur noch shoppen mit den augen von benjamin. 😉 (via wood s lot)

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