website des tages >> goal von katie bush

goal von katie bush – eine webseite. die direkt auf bush „destroy the evil“-statements reagiert – und in einer letternabfahrt sach ich ihnen! 🙂

„Excerpt from Artist’s Statement/Press Release: ‚When asked how long she will work on destroying evil and why on the day of its launch, was still a ‚work in progress‘,
America’s Favorite Lady abruptly responded „Look, the American people must understand that I have no timetable in mind. I don’t have a calendar on my desk that says by a certain date or by this Super Bowl, all this business has got to end.“ Bush went on to add, „That’s not how it works! That’s what the EVIL doers want. They want me to quit, because they think I’m impatient. But it’s not going to happen. It can’t happen!
„“ (via cleansurface)

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