Schlagwort: Jane Austen

bride & prejudice :: jane austen goes bollywood

Gurinder Chadha hat dem feinen Aroma der Austenschen Ironie eine kräftige Portion Curry beigemengt. Ihre Version der Geschichte um vier Schwestern im heiratsfähigen Alter, ihren spitzbübischen Vater und seine törichte Ehefrau spielt nicht etwa in der englischen Provinz des frühen 19. Jahrhunderts, sondern im heutigen Indien; hinzu kommen, als wohlhabende Kontrastschauplätze, London und Los Angeles.

widerborstige frauen. zwei neuverfilmungen englischer literaturklassiker (NZZ, 09.02.05)

… mehr zu „bride & prejudice“
… die webseite zu „bride & prejudice“ – eine sehr witzige flashvariante (dort auch der trailer)
… der trailer auf
… das special in der hindustan.times
interview mit der regisseurin gurinder chadha (india glitz)
… interview mit der hauptdarstellering aishwarya rai

… der ARTE schwerpunkt diesen monat zu bollywood
… von jane austen inspirierte filme

unbecoming a heroine :: novel reading and romanticism

James Lackington, that expert in marketing books, wrote in a well-known remark in 1795 that „all ranks and degrees now READ“; but by general agreement fiction was the preferred form of reading. As Anna Lætitia Aikin (later Barbauld) wrote in 1773, „To the writer of fiction alone, every ear is open.“ The result was belief in a split in reading between learned and professional (male) culture on one hand, and entertaining and fanciful (female) culture on the other. As early as 1751 Francis Coventry noticed that „learned men . . . are willing to monopolize reading themselves, and therefore fastidiously decry all books that are on a level with common understandings, as empty, trifling, and impertinent,“ whereas, from at least the late seventeenth century it was widely assumed that women were the main readers of novels. Thomas Christie, writing in 1788, attributed this „fact“ to women’s defective and superficial education, which unfitted them for „solid learning,“ such as history, usually assigned to men.

unbecoming a heroine :: novel reading and romanticism and barrett’s The Heroine – garry kelly

note: in jane austens „kloster northanger“ weigert sich die „heldin“ catherine. geschichtliche buecher zu lesen

northanger abbey :: reading the readers

In the late eighteenth century and the Regency, reading itself was changing as new kinds of books and new reading venues appeared. In place of the traditional private library that contained books owned by the reader that could be reread and mulled over at will, circulating libraries featuring new publications proliferated. These capitalistic ventures lent books by the volume for only days at a time, providing mobile audiences with a onetime reading for a quick fix. At the same time, booksellers were issuing books for wide consumption in forms that encouraged rapid, dip-and-skip reading: selections and collections that printed passages from texts recommended by critics and book reviewers like Samuel Johnson. Ranging from sixpenny pamphlets providing a handful of poems to mini-libraries promising the best British literature, these publishers’ innovations commercialized literary culture for diverse readers. Such books promoted a new way of reading: the fast and shallow acquisition of a wide variety of texts to allow women to mimic the „extensive reading“ that Darcy endorses as a sign of feminine accomplishment.3 They thus encourage readers to memorize literary fragments to show off their fashionable sensitivity. This cheap use of literature for profit and self-display is one of Austen’s targets in Northanger Abbey

Reading by the Book in Northanger Abbey – Barbara Benedict

kloster northanger :: romane im roman

in jane austens „kloster northanger“ wird ja viel gelesen und darüber auch heftig debattiert (männer disqualifizieren sich dadurch. dass sie keine romane lesen – jane austen wertet die gattung des „romans“ (hier: im speziellen fall die „gothic novel“ auf)).

aber was wird gelesen:

… northanger canon:

The so-called „Northanger Canon“ is the list of books appearing in Jane Austen’s Northanger Abbey. The flighty Isabella lists for heroine Catherine Morland her version of Gothic classics. The list itself provides an interesting insight into what one woman, Jane Austen, perceived to be the most representative books of the Gothic craze that swept England during her lifetime.

… das von beiden protagonistinnen isabella und catherine gelesene buch: The Mysteries of Udolpho von Ann Ward Radcliffe (1794)

… ein cover von „northanger abbey“ aus dem jahre 1965

jane austen :: gig vs. curricle

a gig (aus: Transports of Delight)

wer kennt sie nicht die unterschiedlichen transportmittel in jane austens romanen – also wir muessen da immer nachschlagen. in „kloster northanger“ zum beispiel lobt john thorpe die geschwindigkeit seines „gigs“ (mit nur einem pferd) ueber alle massen und tritt den gig von james – catherines bruder:

„Break down! Oh! Lord! Did you ever see such a little tittuppy thing in your life? There is not a sound piece of iron about it.  The wheels have been fairly worn out these ten years at least–and as for the body! Upon my soul, you might shake it to pieces yourself with a touch. It is the most devilish little rickety business I ever beheld! Thank God! we have got a better.  I would not be bound to go two miles in it for fifty thousand pounds.“

aus: „kloster northanger„, kapitel 9

aber endlich gibts für regelmässige austen-leserinnen aufklärung:

Transports of Delight: How Jane Austen’s Characters Got Around (Ed Ratcliffe)

… noch ein detailreicher artikel zum „gig“: a gaggle of gig
… das ganze von zwei pferden gezogen: der curricle
… A selection of Georgian Coaches
transportation in the 19th century

some links to :: mansfield park

wir haben nun ja schon fast alle texte von jane austen durch – „mansfield park“ ist einer der laengsten und ueber lange strecken auch einer der muehsamsten – ein kammerspiel. das auch mal fast stillstehen kann. aber dennoch gibt es interessante teilbereiche wie das theaterspielen zuhause (vgl. dazu goethes wilhelm meister) oder das gesellschaftliche kartenspiel spekulation.

jane austen und ihre karten:
… how to play quadrille, speculation, loo, whist
… how to play speculation and loo

… “Make it a Pleasure and Not a Task” – Educational Games for Children in Georgian England (pdf)
… eine kalendarische uebersicht zu mansfield park
… The Archigenderic Territories – ueber die nutzung von landhaeusern aus geschlechtspezifischer perspektive (pdf)
… “We must descend a little”: Mansfield Park and the comic theatre (pdf)
… “Slipping into the Ha-Ha”: Bawdy Humor and Body Politics in Jane Austen’s Novels (pdf)

jane austen :: sanditon

jane austens sanditon (1817, erstveroeffentlicht nach ihrem tod – unvollendet – 11 kapitel)

„sanditon“ hat diverse vollendungen/nachahmungen erlebt u.a.:
… erster versuch: jane austens nichte Anna Lefroy – blieb fragementarisch
… Alice CobbettÕs ÒSanditon“ (1932)
… Marie DobbsÕs ÒSanditon – from Jane Austen and Another LadyÓ (1975)
… Julia BarrettÕs „Charlotte: Her Fragment of a Last Novel Completed“ (2000)
… D.J. EdenÕs „Sanditon“ (2002)
… A Completion of Sanditon – juliette shapiro (2004)

… bibliographie der jane austen nachahmungen/fortsetzungen


Jane Austen and her imitator (s 6, pdf)

ÔSanditon Ð the success of Sanditon as a small, fashionable Bathing Place Ð was the object for which he seemed to live. A very few years ago, and it had been a quiet Village of no pretensions; but some natural advantages in its position and some accidental circumstances having suggested to himself, and the other principal Land Holder, the probability of its becoming a profitable Speculation, they had engaged in it, and planned and built, and praised and puffed,17 and raised it to something of young Renown Ð and Mr Parker could now think of very little besides.Õ

The Representation of Business in English Literature – Arthur Pollard (pdf) Weiterlesen „jane austen :: sanditon“